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Thursday, February 10, 2011

“How to build Android Application for WordPress / Blogger Blogs Sites” plus 2 more | Blogsolute

“How to build Android Application for WordPress / Blogger Blogs Sites” plus 2 more | Blogsolute

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How to build Android Application for WordPress / Blogger Blogs Sites

Posted: 10 Feb 2011 01:05 AM PST

Android is all the rage now, everyone wants to have an Android phone may be because of availability of plenty of apps in Market. Like many of you, I always wanted to have build android app but lack of programming skills prevented that from happening.

Building an Android app for Blog makes it easy for users to read articles from standalone application on Android Phones. I know Feed Readers could do this but having a dedicated android app to read content just from your blog site makes sense as many giants in blogosphere have one!

Reading NirmalTV, I came across which can create Android app for blog sites (WordPress, Blogspot, etc. ) in no time.

How to build Android app for Blog

Register and login to your account on . It is a WordPress Admin panel with a difference that it has some kinda plugin installed to generate Android app for blog.

Go to Feed Settings and add Feed URL of your blog / site and press Update to fetch content. This fetched recent 10 posts from blog are published on portal.

Android App for WordPress Blogspot Blog

You may customize the appearance of application with colors and Logo of your choice.

Build Android App for WordPress Blogspot Blog

Also, integration of Adsense Ads is possible to Android app so made by entering your publisher ID.

Last step is to generate APK (Android App file) for blog and publish it to Android Market.

Build Android App for WordPress Blogspot Blog

Let’s take a look what I have made in 30 seconds :)

Build Android App for WordPress Blogspot Blog

How to build Android Application for WordPress / Blogger Blogs Sites is an article on: Blogsolute

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Splashtop OS: Quick Boot Operating system for Web Surfing

Posted: 09 Feb 2011 09:16 PM PST

Splashtop OS is an operating system which boots instantly, specially developed for the OEM market and for accessing Web services in no time and lets you enter online world without entering Windows.

There are few manufacturers who provide this feature inbuilt into their products but now it is no more restricted to OEMs but even you can try it on your machine for free.

Splashtop OS is a light weight operating system which boots quickly and lets you connect to Internet quickly. Its simple and light weight because only thing it carries is web browser just like Google Chrome OS which is required to connect to Internet.

Splashtop OS Review

For whom is it?

It is suitable for netbooks or travellers who just want to check with emails or surf web instantly. Not limited to these but it is suitable for cyber cafes, friend or relative who understands little about Computers.

Splashtop OS Review

Installation is quite easy: You need Windows > Download a 2 MB Online installer which downloads complete OS (nearly 220 MB) and after complete installation, restart to boot Splashtop.

Splashtop OS Review

The full boot takes about 20 seconds, if you count the time from when the computer’s power button was pressed. If we consider just the operating system, the boot is done in about eight seconds.

The trick behind quick loading is to launch a custom Linux kernel that loads only the essentials so that the user can navigate through the Chromium web browser.

Use of the Splashtop OS is very simple. Despite that the base is Linux, you will have access to a full graphical environment like KDE. One of the few programs which can interact with the web browser open full screen by default, configured to use Bing search engine and Flash Player 10 installed.

For downloads, storage and new themes for the browser, USB flash memory will be needed, since the user has limited permissions to access the disk. When connected, the memory is automatically recognized. The system has a very simple file manager so that the user can view, copy, move or delete files on the USB disk.

Blogsolute Verdict about Splashtop OS

Despite being still in beta, Splashtop OS is an operating system stable and well developed, which did not show any fault during our tests. Although it is a bit limited, Splashtop OS seems to be a good choice for netbooks and other similar devices, as a quick alternative to surf the internet.

The startup time is impressive: after pressing the Power button takes 20 seconds for the system is ready for use.

Integration with Bing may be a problem for some users, but it is possible to configure Chromium Google or other search engine.

The configuration tools of Splashtop OS is easy to use and self explanatory, taking only the essentials to eliminate distractions or confusion by the user. The downside is the import feature of Mozilla Firefox bookmarks, did not work during our tests.

Splashtop OS: Quick Boot Operating system for Web Surfing is an article on: Blogsolute

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How Bing responded to Google Allegations and clarified- they didn’t copy

Posted: 09 Feb 2011 08:35 PM PST

The Google-Bing clash is the most heated up issue today. After being tagged as a cheater by Google, Bing finally responded to Google's allegations and takes it as a “back handed compliment”. According to Bing it was a creative tactic and such an allegation is just a spy novelesque stunt to generate extreme outliers in query ranking.

Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft's senior VP said,

"We have some of the best minds in the world at work on search quality and relevance, and for a competitor to accuse any one of these people of such activity is just insulting".

Bing claims that it never copied from its competitors but always learns from its customers. The company says it works by using click stream optionally provided by consumers in an anonymous fashion as one of 1,000 signals to try and determine whether a site might make sense to be in their index.

Here’s How Google Caught Bing cheating and copying their Search results.

Bing clarified that it does not use a Google specific search signal, rather uses a search signal based on search activities monitored in different sites. That is, if you search for a word, be it eBay or yahoo, Bing can detect it if you are using Internet Explorer with Suggested sites or the Bing toolbar.

A number of searches can be identified. Bing then outsources the most popular pages associated with the word being searched from a number of search engines. Such a search signal does not actually belong to any specific search engine but does contain some of its searches.

For any normal query, there are signals from various engines in the clickstream but for the Google fabricated queries the only data in the clickstream was theirs, thus those specific results were displayed. The clickstream is used by Bing to improve their searches but it is not he only signal being used.

Bing will now continue to focus on innovating the product, though added a jab about the timing of Google’s honeypot discovery, saying it was directly related to some of Microsoft’s recent improvements to Bing, Mehdi said which were

“So big and noticeable that we are told Google took notice and began to worry,”

Source : Searchengineland , Winrumors

How Bing responded to Google Allegations and clarified- they didn’t copy is an article on: Blogsolute

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