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Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

7 Ways Meditation Can Save Your Life

Why do more people drink alcohol than people who meditate? Why do more people eat fast food than get exercise? Smoking is a leading cause of death in the U.S., as are poor diet and alcohol use, so why do we love everything that is bad for us and keep away from things that do us good?

Presumably it's because we really don't like ourselves too much. Once the cycle of self-dislike gets started, then it takes a huge amount of determination and effort to make changes. And the mind is a perfect servant, as it will do whatever it's told, but it's a terrible master as it fails to help us help ourselves.

Which can be even harder when our mind is like a deranged monkey, leaping from one thought or drama to the next, never allowing us time to be quiet, peaceful and still.

But meditation can save our life! This may sound farfetched but meditation is a direct way to cut through the chaotic monkey mind constantly making excuses and supporting our neurosis. It's that fundamental. Yet so many people pay it so little attention. Drinking alcohol can kill and meditation can save, yet there are far more people who drink.

Seven Ways Meditation Can Save Your Life (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post


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