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Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge: Can Focusing On Breathing Change Your Life?

I am the opposite of new-agey. I have only gone to a psychic once, in New Orleans, and tuned out immediately when it was obvious that homegirl had no idea what she was talking about. I have never been very interested in horoscopes, mostly because the attributes ascribed to my sign, Taurus—stubborn, down-to-earth, bullheaded—never seemed particularly embraceable. And neither Madonna‘s biceps nor all my friends who adore it have been able to convince me to try yoga—mostly because my parents are devotees (in fact, my dad quit his job as a stockbroker to teach yoga) and whatever your parents do just isn’t cool. So when Sharon Salzberg, a friend of a friend and a meditation teacher for more than 30 years, asked me to be part of the 28-day meditation challenge outlined in her new book, Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation, for the month of February, I wanted to run. Like, fast.

But I didn’t. Lately, I’ve been feeling the need for some kind of change. Not for any particular reason—just recently, I find myself getting stressed over things I can’t really control and I’ve been feeling a lot of muscle soreness, particularly in my back, that I just can’t seem to get rid of. And please don’t tell Amelia [I won’t! Oh wait…—Editor], but I’ve definitely been feeling like I’ve been writing and editing slightly less efficiently at work. (MORE)

Source: The Frisky


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