Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Better Late than Never (A Little Christmas Action)

So part of me feels a little wierd about posting these after the new year. But just becuase it's 2011 now doesn't mean Christmas didn't just happen not long ago.

Truth be told, I took so many photos at Christmas that it took me a while to sort through them.

So here was Christmas 2010 (please note how few pictures of myself there are as I always end up wielding the camera at family functions):

This is at The Boy's parents place on Christmas Eve. Isn't it lovely and Christmasy? (That's The Boy and his cousin)

Dave was pooped at the end of the night. Poor Pup!

 My siblings on Christmas morning at my Mom's.

 Matt played Santa.
 This is my parent's dog Finnegan. He's a Papillon, Bruxells Griffon cross.

 Opening his present!
 This is my Mom and my Step-Dad. I just love this photo of them. Wehad an amazing Christmas!

 This is me. Didn't you recognize my back? haha!

See our fancy fireplace?

This is the only photo of me from the entire weekend (at least on our camera!) Oh well...

 Many gifts were handed out.

And many gifts were opened. We actually have a tradition in our house regarding the opening of presents at Christmas. We take turns opening so everyone can see what we all got, who it's from and so we can say our thank yous. It's fun! It stretches out the experience

Here's the mess when it was all said and done. Keen eyes can spot Finnegan passed out on the floor! Haha!

And just for fun, here's Dave opening his Christmas present all by himself!

Tomorrow I'll show you some of my loot. Then it's time to really look forward into 2011!

Lisa. xo


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