San Quentin offers more than 70 self-help programs - far more than any other prison in the state. And the majority are run by volunteers, according to San Quentin press officer Lt. Samuel Robinson.
SAM ROBINSON: Currently, we have about 3,000 volunteers here at this facility, people who annually come in here, whether it's one time or several times over the course of a year. They try to help steer guys in a different direction than what led them here ultimately in the first place.
The legacy of volunteer programs goes back to Warden Clinton Truman Duffy. In the 1940s, Duffy cleaned up San Quentin's rough outlaw culture and also established the prison's first chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous. Over the decades, the number of volunteer programs has grown, encouraged by progressive wardens who believed the programs served both the inmates and the communities they'll return to. (MORE)
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