Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Overload!

Hello friends!

There are several very good reasons for the lack of posts here on BDV (in no particular order):

1. It is getting dark very early here. Starting around 4pm. In fact it's dark out right now. It's 5:00pm. Darkness outside makes for crappy blog pictures. And I don't always have time to take photos before work.

Night Sky borrowed from here. Haha! I just read this is Madagascar. There's no snow...but it's sure pretty!

2. I cannot stop thinking about decorating my living room. The Boy and I bought the Thilde Coffee Table  from my work last week and it should arrive next week! Eeee! So excited!

Good-bye crappy hand-me-down table! Hello pretty Glass table!!

Now all we're missing is a side table. I want this one:

Gotta print photos and hang pictures.

That's not my baby!!

Also want bamboo blinds. Like this house:

3. Obssessed with two blogs right now. Young House Love (photo above is from YHL). Young family of bloggers from Virginia re-decorating thier home with DIY skills and a budget (sensing a theme here?!). They just bought a new house and I'm dying to see what they do to it!

AND The Art of Doing Stuff. Television host from Ontario with a wicked sense of humour and her own awesome DIY skills.

4. Not only is it dark, but it's freakin' cold in Winnipeg!! I'm feeling hibernation setting in for the winter. I can't even bring myself to clean my house or make dinner these days...

5. I'm super busy trying to get Christmas presents bought and wrapped after work. Almost done this one though, so that's good.

Well...maybe that was just a bunch of excuses, maybe I'm just not a super blogger like some of those other bloggers out there. But it is what it is...I do my best.
What's keeping you busy this holiday season?



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