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Monday, December 20, 2010

Finding Your Center: Meditation, Yoga Calm The Soul In Stressful Times

When financial and job stresses are high, meditation and yoga can ease tension, produce mental clarity and create a climate of tranquility in your life, instructors and practitioners say.

Some use the practices to help relieve anxiety, pain, depression, stress, insomnia or physical or emotional symptoms of chronic illnesses.

"More than ever, I'm getting inquiries from people who are interested in managing stress in particular," said Mary Hilliker, 49, of Wausau, owner of River Flow Yoga. "I recently taught a whole series of yoga for stress management. I've never had a class that was as full as that class. We just had a packed room."
The economic downturn has given more people a lot to be stressed about. Hilliker said her clients say they're working harder than ever for the same or less money. They worry about losing their jobs. Or, if they have jobs, companies are asking them to do more with fewer resources.

Hilliker has personal experience. She was laid off about a year ago from a job as a health educator with the state of Wisconsin.
"Yoga helped me make that transition," she said.

For many, yoga and meditation go hand-in-hand. Often, yoga includes meditation sessions. (MORE)

Source: Wausau Daily Hearld


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