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Gallery Tattoo

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yoga Relieves Body Ache

People who suffer body ache can get rid of it by doing yoga, a study has found.

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disorder causing widespread muscular skeletal pain and fatigue that is thought to affect nearly two million adults in Britain, reports .

A team from Oregon Health and Science University studied whether patients taking a " yoga awareness" programme alongside their standard treatment showed more improvement compared to a control group of sufferers.

"Although yoga has been practiced for millennia, only recently have researchers begun to demonstrate yoga's effects on people suffering from persistent pain," said research head James Carson.

The experts conducted an all-woman study because 80 per cent of FM patients are women.

The yoga was tailored to address pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance and emotional distress in FM. Each class included gentle stretching poses, mindfulness meditation and breathing techniques.

Following treatment, women assigned to the yoga programme showed far greater improvements in their symptoms and general mood.

"The findings of this pilot study provide promising preliminary support for the beneficial effects of yoga in patients with FM," said Carson. (MORE)

Source: Times of India


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