Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rest And Revive With Yoga

The change of seasons is a vulnerable time for our immune systems. There is less sunlight (vitamin D) as the days get shorter, the temperatures become more erratic and there is plenty of pollen in the air to trigger allergies.

For families with children, “back to school” means that life becomes more hectic. These various stresses on our health can be eased by taking appropriate rest which, by the way, does not mean “vegging out” in front of the TV for hours.

Allowing yourself to take five or 10 minutes a day in a restorative yoga pose, coupled with some deep breathing, will do wonders for your state of mind and for your immune system.

This month we are devoting our column to poses, such as this week’s Elevated Legs Posture, that will deliver healthful rest in a New York minute. The pose is a simple inversion that will give your hard-working heart a well-earned rest and facilitate greater blood flow to the brain while giving your legs a mini-vacation. (MORE)



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