Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, Sunday...

It's very rainy and cold here today. It feels like fall. Boo!

So, The Boy and I slept in and vegged all day.

Well, kindof. he's much better at vegging out than me...

It's my own fault really. I spent much of the morning/afternoon watching Hoarders online. If you have not seen this show look it up! It's pretty wild! It's a reality show about people who can't get rid of things (anything really) and stockpile it in their homes. I had a friend in high school whos Mom was like this. And one of my grandma's best friends is definitely a hoarder. She keeps EVERYTHING! I want to raid her closets so badly! She has almost every article of clothing she's ever owned since the 40's! Goldmine!

Anyway, what I'm getting at was the show was making me a bit paranoid, like maybe I have some hoarding tendancies. Clothing in particular. Naturally. So this afternoon I sorted through my closet and now have a bag of clothes (nothing vintage! My Goodness NO!) for Goodwill. I also went through my kitchen and linen closet. So now I feel better. I'm not a hoarder! Haha!
I'm so silly sometimes!

Speaking of Goodwill. I never told you I bought myself a vintage dress form for $20 a week ago! She's late 60's/early 70's I think. I dressed her for the first time today and set her up in the corner of my dressing room. I'll show her to you sans clothes another day.

1940's Grey Rayon Sailor Dress

In other bloggy news. One of my awesome readers Kate from Vintage in a Modern World nominated me for her Hidden Gem Award! Awesome! Thanks Kate! Head over to her blog for a list of other hidden gems!



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