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Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Benefits Of Yoga

Ask any participant and they will claim it is their all-in-one medicine. They will claim it is their chiropractor, their therapist, their Advil and even their fat-blaster. They will claim it is free and will tell you they don’t have to leave home for the cure-all treatment that is yoga.

Content found on the site said in recent years yoga has overtaken the exercise realm and become a world phenomenon. Its potential for sculpting a toned physique attracts many, but its beneficial reputation is in need of a reintroduction.

Yoga is a spiritual practice that originated in India and involves meditation and controlled breathing to purify and unite the mind and body as one.

There are many variations of yoga, and each type possesses the ability to restore multiple afflictions of the body. The Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine said the most popular type of yoga among Americans is Hatha yoga, which is a system of physical exercise and breathing control. Through the practice of Hatha yoga, one can anticipate more benefits than a simple flab-fixer or positive mental attitude. (MORE)

Source: The U of Idaho Argonaut


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