Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Outfits: Weekends

I love weekends. The Boy and I have some pretty standard weekend rituals. Wake up, he sits on the couch with the pup and the laptop while I make coffee and breakfast (either pancakes and bacon or homemade egg mcmuffins). We eat, then we usually both lay on the couch and read/surf the net and finish coffee. We take turns showering and then we head out to do whatever. Sometimes we take Dave out for a walk in the park, or head to the pet store for supplies. Go for a drive, run get the idea.

Today we went for a walk with the pup to a little spot by our house. The weather has been unseasonably warm here for this time of year. Usually we're still wearing winter coats and slogging through mucky snow, but this year the weather turned warm quickly and the snow is pretty much gone! I haven't worn my winter coat for weeks!

So, onto the outfit: this is pretty standard weekend attire. As much as I love to dress up and dress vintage, I love to be comfy and casual too. That being said I also like to look cute at the same time!
The headscarf is a new look for me. I've never really worn it before, but I had to dye my hair today and didn't have time before my early rehearsal, so I threw this on and liked how cute it looked (I also enjoy how low maintanence it is!). I'll probably wear it again!

Printed Cotton Headscarf: Vintage (Ragpickers)
Pink Scarf: Jacob
Black Embroidered Bird Hoodie (sorry, you can't really see it!): Cake
Green Military Jacket: Smart Set
Purple Tee: Old Navy
Jeans: Bootlegger
Pink "Converse": Smart Set

Here are a few pictures of where we were walking.

Work is still kickin my butt, hence the lack of posts. I have so much work right now I could've worked until 8pm on Friday...ugh.
Monday will probably be a loong day...

Hope you all have a great week! I'll do my best to post again before next weekend! It looks like The Boy and I will be heading to the World of Wheels on Saturday, so I would gather I'll have some photos from that outing! Take care!



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