Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kitchen Dreams

Well, quite frankly this post has nothing to do with fashion. I am just as smitten with decorating as I am with fashion and living in my first home has had my mind racing with projects and improvements for the past 6 months (and maybe forever!!).
I am currently dreaming about updating our sad 70s kitchen with retro charm! Here's what we're starting with:

As you can see, my cupboards are quite ugly in their current state. My appliances however are on the newer side and white. Which is perfect! I don't really like stainless appliances and won't be buying any.
This spring/summer we'll be painting all the walls and cupboards. What colour ask you?  Well let me tell you!

Please Note: This is not my photo. I found it on a Google search because the colour samples on Behr's website look nothing like the actual paint colours! Shame on you Behr!!

My living room and hallway, as you've seen in previous outfit posts are the top colour: Asparagus. The kitchen wall colour will be the next one down: Scotland Isle. (Please note: this photo is showing the colours a little dark!) The bottom cupboards, doors and all will the the third colour from the top: Moss Landing. The top cupboards will be a crisp white.  I'm not using the bottom colour, It's too dark I think.

While painting the cupboard doors we'll be removing the old hardware, filling the center hole and drilling new ones in the bottom corner for new hardware.This is similar to the hardware we have picked out:

We decided to go very plain with a retro twist for budget's sake. I wanted glass, but I lost the battle to The Boy so I could get the floor I wanted: Classic Black and White Check!

I would also love that vintage stove, but that will never happen! I'll just be happy with my floor thank you!

I've also picked out a very similar light fixture to the one below at Home Depot to hang over the kitchen table. The one I've picked out is also brushed stainless steel with the adjustable pulley. It's also a great deal at $99!

The Boy is an ironworker and we love the idea of this well known black and white(to help tie in the floor of course!) picture taken in New York from the 30's hanging over the kitchen table.

La piece de resistance of my kitchen will be my kitchen table: It was a Christmas present from The Boy. It belonged to his opa and oma and had been sitting in thier laundry room. The chairs have been recovered, but I think the whole set is just perfect! I think the pink table will look great with the green, black and white in the rest of the kitchen.

You can see how bland my kitchen currently is here as well. That flooring is older than I am and has seen better days!! I can't wait to see it go!!

Here's a close up of the table top:

And a recovered chair. I was told the old vinyl matched the tabletop, but it was in bad condition. I think they're pretty spectacular anyway!


To tie the table into the rest of my kitchen I plan to accent the kitchen in various shades of pink and red. Some dishes on a shelf and a window curtain with a retro green and pink pattern (I have a vintage table cloth in my possesion that would be perfect, but I'm still not sure if I want to cannibalize it for drapes. We'll see what happens...)

So that's my soon to be kitchen! I'm pretty excited to have it all come together! I'm not, however, looking forward to all that painting, but I know it will be worth it in the end!

What about you? Do you have a retro kitchen? Or retro kitchen dreams like me?



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