Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thrify Goodness

As promised, here is my "Thrifty Goodness" post. Before I get started I feel that a small intro is in order...

The Boy and I are taking Dave to obedience training with Manitoba Search and Rescue (no he's not going to be a search and rescue dog, they just offer classes). Our classes happen to be just outside of Steinbach, so every week we drive out to the country.
Rural thrift shops just happen to be one of my favorite places to find amazing treasures at next to nothing prices, so heading out to the country every weekend has provided a few opportunities to check a few out.

Steinbach MCC Thrift Store
409 Main St. Steinbach MB
(204) 326-6642
* out of 5

Steinbach has a HUGE thrift store on Main St. And I've been dying to check it out. A few weeks ago The Boy and I managed to make it into town before they closed. I hate to say it, but I was pretty dissapointed. The store itself was expansive and organized very well, I will give them that. It was also very clean and the staff was helpful. As far as finding amazing treasures at next to nothing prices...well...this is where my dissapointment started. All of the vintage clothing items were not tucked away among the modern used clothes waiting to be discovered, but segregated into locked cases and put on seperate racks by the cash desk. This is all well and good I supposed, but it was the prices that really dissapointed me. Everything was (in my opinion) overpriced. I could stay in the city and shop at my favorite vintage stores and find better prices. On the other hand, The Boy and I did buy some housewares. And we had fun trying on funny hats, so that was good at least.

Niverville MCC Thrift Store
246 Main St
(204) 388-4404
*** out of 5
Last week The Boy said something astonishing to me...he said "Hey! While I was vistiting D. in Niverville I found another thrift store we can visit this weekend after dog training". I was floored! Had the thrifting bug bit The Boy?!? It sure had!! Hehe!
As we drove up to the thrift store in Niverville, I began to worry that we were about to experience deja vu as it was an MCC run store as well, but The Boy had faith and assured me that he thought this would be a good one. He was so right!! It was great! everything I love in a rural thrift store! Good prices, good finds, good fun! We almost bought an amazing 3 piece navy pinstripe suit for him, but it was a little big in the chest and my sewing skills do not include tailoring suits. We'll be visiting this one again for sure!!

Anyway, I've written too much already...let's get onto the goodies (all housewares and accessories, my usual thrift store finds)! When I laid everything out to photograph I realized that everything I'd bought was colour coded, so I took the photos that way. I've also included some stuff I bought here in the city at Value Village and Salvation Army a few weeks ago...Enjoy!

And just because I have to show them off, my new pair of mary janes I bought on sale this weekend (not vintage, but still good!):

I hope you had a great weekend!

Lisa. xo


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