Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Friday, August 14, 2009

BBQ Chicken Pizza

I've been trying to post all day long, but blogger has been acting up -- it kept shutting down Firefox every time I uploaded a picture?!

This pizza is delish. I've been meaning to make it for a long time but kept forgetting to put it on the menu. Then when I was browsing one of my favorite recipe blogs about a week ago, I saw they'd put up a recipe for it, which reminded me I wanted to make it. We'd never had it before, and it was so yummy. Even if you're not a cilantro lover, try it with some cilantro sprinkled on -- it's not even close to as good without it!

pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce
your favorite BBQ sauce
2-3 chicken breasts, diced
red onion, sliced
canned pineapple, chunks or crushed
mozzarella, shredded
fresh cilantro, finely chopped
pizza dough, store-bought or **homemade

Cook your chicken breasts in a large skillet with a little bit of BBQ sauce until done. Meanwhile, combine equal parts pizza/spaghetti sauce and BBQ sauce in a bowl; set aside. When chicken is done, assemble pizza -- sauce, cheese, chicken, onion, pineapple, more cheese. I used crushed pineapple because I'm not a huge fan of big chunks of pineapple.

When pizza is done, sprinkle with fresh cilantro. Then devour.

**If using homemade dough: I use this breadstick recipe for my pizza dough. Prepare it the same way up through the first rise. After the first rise, divide the dough in half, roll it out to whatever size pizza you want, then let it rise again for another 30 minutes. Then bake at 425 for about 10 minutes BEFORE topping with pizza ingredients. Then top with ingredients and bake another 10 minutes.


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