Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Friday, April 3, 2009

Questions, Questions, Questions...

Your Questions, My Answers

What does you fascinate about the Hippie Style? Or about Hippies in general and maybe also their lifestyle...
It's more or less the style, which i love. I love all the peace-stuff and just how they looked :) Of course there are also some bad sites, like drugs, which i definitely don't support!

Do you what to do something professionally with fashion in the future?/What sort of job are you hoping to go into in the future?
I'm dreaming of working as a layouter at a fashion magazine ;)

What are your favorite brands?
I don't prefer brands! I prefer shops like h&m, zara, asos, topshop, urban outfitters, primark or vintage shops like vintage&rags, here in Hamburg :)

Why did you start to blog?/What made you decide to blog and what keeps you motivated to blog?
I read an article about fashion blogs in a magazine, i visited them, fell in love and decided to blog too :)
I get my motivation from your WONDERFUL comments, which are make me sooo happy and from other amazing blogs!

Which people do inspire you? Any celebreties?
There are some fashionistas, who i really love, like rachel bilson, nicole richie, alexa chung and zoe kravitz and who inspire me very much :)
But i also get my inspiration from the streets, from other blogs and so on... there is inspiration EVERYWHERE! Sometimes, it's just a building :)

Where do you see your blog in say 5 years time?
Difficult question! Everything changes so fastly... my blog will definitely change.. like me and everybody else!

What are you doing at the moment? student? working?
I'll finish school this year and in october i'm going to study art direction/design (i don't really know, how to call it in english!).

Who or what first inspired your love of fashion?
i would say, i fell in love with fashion 4-5 years ago... i don't really remember the reason, it just came out of my heart!

If you could save only one item of clothing from your closet, what would it be?
That's soooo MEAN! I guess it would be my fake fur vest! It was so difficult to find one!

Who take the pictures of you?
My mother :) THANKS MUM ♥

What inspiration do you get from other bloggers around the world? Do you try to imitate them in some ways?
i think, i get a lot of inspiration from other bloggers... but of course i don't try to imitate them :) everybody is unique.. unique as his/her style!

Thanks for your questions :)

-my jewelry yesterday-

A few days ago i was tagged by the wonderful Chérie (Check out her blog!) !

Rules: 1. respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. 2.tag other un-tagged people.

What is your current obsession? Black Minnetonka Shoes, which i bought yesterday.. YAY!

What are you wearing today? Jeans, floral printed top, cardigan and my new white ASOS shoes!

How do you feel this moment? tired, but happy! it's weekend :)

Why is today special? the weather is just perfect :) the first time this year!

What would you like to learn to do? Diving!

What's the perfect summer music/song? Matt Costa, Jason Mraz and Jack Johnson!

What’s the last thing you bought? Deep conditioner for blonde hair!

What are you listening to right now ? The Kooks.

What is your favourite weather? Spring ;) Like today!

What is on your bedside table? a book, a photo and some beauty-stuff, like nail-polish!

What do you think about the person who tagged you ? I love her blog and she is so nice! It was one of the first blogs which i read regulary.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? At the beach on a little island :)

Favourite vacation spot ? Fuerteventura and Danmark

Name the things you cannot live without. My family, my wonderful friends... being free..

How was your childhood? wonderful!

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? New York!

Which language do you want to learn? Swedish maybe?!

What did you dream of last night? School... that dream sucked!

What is your favorite food? Pasta with scampi

Where are you now? In front of my computer at home!

How do you spend a perfect sunday? For me, a perfect sunday has to be lazy! so that i can just relax :)

Have a wonderful weekend,
love, hippiegirl ♥


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