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Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Transforming an Ideal Into Something Real

You might need to possess a wide range of skills and abilities to achieve whatever goal you may have set for yourself. You may or may not be in possession of those skills, but there is another quality that's of equal if not greater importance when it comes to accomplishment in any field. This quality is a belief that you can and will accomplish your objective. Without it, all your other skills and strengths will be of little or no value.

We often spend a lot of time planning and defining the method by which our goals can be reached. But we often miss a point that, really, should not only come before working out a plan, but should also be continued all throughout the process of working through and carrying out our plans towards our goals. This much neglected point is faith, or belief, that you will effectively and successfully accomplish your goal.

We're not talking about some weak, insignificant mumble that passes through your mind telling you that you can do it. Rather, you require an intense, deep, and powerful conviction in your heart, mind and soul that you will definitely - with a hundred and ten percent certainty - achieve your goal with total success. In fact, you should be so sure that you will accomplish your objective that you can make yourself feel as if you've already accomplished it. Imagine yourself taking the final steps towards the completion of your goal, visualize what you'll be doing, feel what it would feel like when you've officially achieved that long-desired aspiration...

If you can do the above, you can safely rest assured that the attainment of your goal has a very high chance of success, and you can more or less bet your life on the manifestation of your dreams. This is no exaggeration, but it's a tried and proven method of achieving goals and transforming dreams into reality.

If you were to read about the lives of successful people in history, be they inventors, scientists, mathematicians, leaders, musicians, artists, writers - any field whatsoever - you'll find a pattern in the way they achieved what they did. And you'll find that the pattern is exactly what I've mentioned above - they first had a clear ideal, a goal, then they believed with absolute certainty that they would attain their ideal, all while they were carrying out a well-planned method that would lead them to their goal.

Living your dreams should never be seen as something that's out of reach or extremely difficult. Nor is it a matter of luck.

It's simply a matter of knowing and implementing a successful strategy.

Drea Mer is an observer and researcher on the hidden meanings of life. He is constantly looking for ways to get the most out of life, and assists others in reaching their full potential. You can find ideas, tips and advice that could transform your life forever at Drea Mer's blog:


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