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Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Practicalities of Altered Attitude and Positive Thinking

It would appear positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Many people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) seem easily to develop negative thinking patterns this is brought about by being frustrated by challenges and having the frequent feeling of being overwhelmed, which inevitably leads to a negative outlook and can make it harder for them to manage the challenges and go forward.

The solution is practicing positive thinking, which allows people with ADD to focus on their strengths and accomplishments, therefore increasing their happiness and motivation.

This, in turn, will allow them to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down, depressed and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:

1. Keep A Thankful Attitude Constantly remind yourself about the all the good things you have our in your life. Take a few minutes out in the day and stop what you are doing and be grateful for the smallest of good things in your world. This can make a tremendous difference

2. Staying In Trim Will Bring On Positivism. Your thinking is truly affected by your physical status take regular exercise, eat well and get plenty of rest. This will help you to stay positive.

3. Mind what you say. Do not use absolutes. Have you ever told a friend or better half "You're always late!" or complain to a member of your family "You never come to see me!" Using absolutes like 'always' and 'never' in your thinking and speaking will always make the situation seem twice as bad as it really is. This will condition your mind into believing that these people will always let you down and are incapable of delivering.

4. Automatic Negative Thoughts. Automatic Negative Thoughts are bad thoughts that are usually reactionary like, "He /she is laughing, they must be talking about me," or "I've been called into the office? It must be bad!" When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than Automatic Negative Thoughts ANT'S and squash them!

5. Always keep the thought positive. You have complete control over your thoughts. If you find yourself having negative thoughts make a conscious effort to stop them immediately, acknowledge you are having them and change them instantly.

6. Become More Tactile In this high tech western world we have become more isolated and tend to insulate ourselves from physical contact with other people. I'm sure I don't have to tell you about the benefits of a good hug. An instant pick-me-up can be achieved by positive physical contact.

The practice of Lovin', Touchin' & Squeezin' friends, loved ones, and even pets can instantly change how you feel for the better and so change your thinking and inevitably change your actions and therefore your day. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't touch!

7. Throw Away Ungrounded Fears Low self esteem or the fear of not being liked or accepted can lead us to believe we know what others are thinking, but these fears are usually not real. We can develop a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is a result of something we said or have done.

The fear that colleagues at work or neighbours are secretly gossiping behind our back can be very real for some people. The solution is to speak up and ask them. Don't be afraid and waste valuable time and sleepless nights worrying that you did something wrong, unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.

8. More Social Activity Getting yourself out and about will decrease any feelings of loneliness by interacting with happy, healthy and energetic people, this will affect you in a positive way and keep you in a active doing mode..

9. Only What You Give Away Can You Keep By volunteering your time, your money, or your resources to voluntary organizations, or just helping another person will make you feel extremely good. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.

There are many people who seem to work well even under pressure but in reality they are truly in a minority. We must not forget that we are all human and imperfect and to letting things like stress get under our skins won't solve any off our problems.

Go forward and use these proven practical suggestions and develop positive thinking, which in turn will give you positive attitude followed by positive actions creating positive results.

Barry Share is the Founder and Editorial Director of "The New Lifestyle Programme" Where you can get your copy of the amazing..." "Design for your Success" a 7 step plan to achieving wealth health and happiness... =>


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