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Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Inspiration Comes In The Moments

What is meant by the term inspired? I like to think of it like this: inspiritos - inspiration - divine breath. But you may say "I don't get inspired." Oh yes you do! You just haven't learned to recognize it yet. As we are all divine children of the universe - how spirit works in our lives is similar - some recognize it some don't.

I'm sure if you dig deep you have a story you could tell that just doesn't fit with the every-day-run-of-the-mill events in your life. Go ahead dig deep.

When we're open to receiving from the universe - all kinds of things begin to happen. The synchronicity in our lives occurs more often, events coincide with other events and you begin to see the flow of the universe through your life like a river.

Get into that flow and enjoy the ride! It's better than an E-ticket ride at Disneyland. For those of you who are too young to remember or don't know how the old ticketing system worked - back when Disneyland first opened you were given a ticket booklet - so many A's - so many B's, and so on. The ticket book came with five E tickets. The E tickets were the BEST~! If you wanted to go on another E ticket ride after using all yours - you had to buy more!

Since we realize that inspiration comes from the universe and if we are aligning our desires through thought, feeling and emotion - and we remain open I guarantee that you will become inspired. A little nudge here a little nudge there, do this, go this way - stop off at the cleaners (I know you've been putting it off) drop by the post office and bam you connect with someone or read something that leads you to another step and another and another until you find yourself face to face with your desire.

Say you have a desire for greater wealth in your life - and you also have a hobby you are passionate about. So you align yourself and then a little thought trickles in WHAT IF I do this and this and this with my hobby and turn it into a business? So you research it (action), you develop a business plan (action) you find your market - you build your store (either on-line or otherwise) or consign your product for sale - BAM! Money starts coming in.

Inspired action is following each step as it appears before you. Like Dr. Martin Luther King said "you don't have to see the whole staircase, you just have to take the first step."

Committing to action is a step-by-step process. One step at a time. You don't have to see the whole picture. Go with the piece of you have.

When I designed our home Wildwind, I used a computer program that would allow me to see the interior (I taught myself to use the program - I learn by doing), but through the program, I never truly realized the size. You think you know what a foot is, but how about sixteen, twenty or fifty? When you see it on paper, without the experience of walking through the structure in physical reality and previous experience creating my own blueprints - I didn't realize the size.

It's a good thing I didn't (nor did my husband) because we probably would have been scared to death to attempt it. I just designed it, had the engineer do his work, filed the plans with the county and we were good to go.

After paying for grading and foundation - we solicited bids on the construction (not the materials). The bids came in at fifty thousand dollars just for construction. That's not much you say? We'd already spent that on grading and foundation! And that didn't include the lumber which would be that and more again. That didn't include sheetrock, insulation, electrical, plumbing, cabinets, carpets, flooring, painting, roofing, or trusses. That was just the labor to put it up. That's when I turned to my husband and said - "you're framing." In for a penny, in for a pound we were.

I realized then that this would be a serious do-it-yourself project. The bottom floor is twenty-six hundred square feet. The second floor is the same and the third floor is darn near a thousand square feet. Do the math.

How we accomplished this was one step, one nail, one wall at a time. It is the same with the creation of the live you want to live. If you try and look at the whole project or the big picture of what you want to do in your life it will scare you! The trick is to focus on the moment, focus and do what is asked of you in the moment, for that is your only place of power.

So you take a step, do a little today. Take another step, do a little more - and pretty soon your dream is built! It took us three years from start to finish doing just that. It was an adventure - scary at times - but I can guarantee this - the Universe hands out E ticket rides!

Next time you feel inspired - don't wait around - act and you might be surprised where it will take you!

Former managing editor of a small town newspaper, Brenner is the author of The Little Book of Becoming - Understanding the Law of Attraction and is currently at work polishing her metaphysical fiction, Changing Planes. Little Book of Becoming Law Of Attraction Masters


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