Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Crepes. M'mmm. I grew up on crepes. My mom made this meal only once a year, and all of us kids always looked forward to Christmas solely for the crepe breakfast we knew would follow the gifts. I guess that makes me a weird child since I was more for the breakfast than the presents?

Crepes are actually quite easy to make. Time consuming, yes. But not hard. They're great for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and dessert. Can't get more versatile than that! It all just depends on how you top them. You can top them however you want, but I always do the same 3 things, just because that's how I ate them growing up, and can't imagine doing it differently. But if you do something different and love it, shoot us an email about it! I just can't bring myself change a tradition that I've had the same way for nearly 26 years, but I'd still love to live vicariously through someone else.

The pictures I'm going to post actually show a doubled crepe batter. Depending on your family size, you may have to double the recipe as well. There are only 5 of us, so I could have gotten away with just making a regular portion. But I knew I'd have leftover fillings, so I decided to just make enough batter for leftovers at the same time. I just keep the leftover batter in the fridge in my pyrex measuring cup with saran wrap over the top. It keeps for several days.

2 beaten eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon cooking oil

Combine eggs, milk, flour, oil and 1/4 teaspoon salt; beat until well mixed.

Heat a lightly greased, non-stick small skillet over medium-low heat. Pour in just under 1/4 cup of batter. Lift skillet off of burner, and tilt and turn it to make an even layer of batter (it's hard to get it perfectly even because it starts to cook quickly, but just get it as even as you can).

After about 2 minutes, run your heat safe spatula around the edges to loosen the crepe.

I got this batter recipe from my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, and it says you don't need to flip the crepe over. Since they're so thin, the top cooks just as quickly as the bottom does. But I still flip mine over, just because I'm paranoid about making sure all the egg is thoroughly cooked. I only cook the top side for maybe 15-20 seconds.

And there you have it, the crepe. Easy. Now for the fillings. Like I said, I make 3. I do a broccoli and cheese filling. That's just steamed broccoli florets mixed with some melted Velveeta. We do berries and whipped cream. I make a Chantilly sauce to go with the berries for the grown ups, and that recipe will be shared at another time. Lastly, I fill them with sausage gravy.


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