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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Live Luminously

Webster's dictionary defines luminous as emitting light; lighted; easily understood; clear. To live a life that is luminous is to shine, to radiate the very essence of who you are. It's engaging in activities that are meaningful for you. It's experiencing harmonious relationships, holding your head high and maintaining dignity in the face of adversity.

Luminosity is a state of being. It is a reflection of who a person is and transcends happiness. A luminous life means living within your self-defined values and interests. Energy is appropriately distributed across the areas of most importance and life is lived with a sense of hope and promise; being present to one's life.

Would you like more luminous moments in your life?

Imagine for yourself what that would be like. Can you see it? Can you get a sense of what your relationships would be like? Visualize your body. Would you be in better physical condition? What about your checkbook? What kind of shape is that in? How much money would you need to accomplish the things you want to accomplish and generate the lifestyle you desire? On what types of activities do you spend your time? Would it be the same activities you focus on today or would they be different? For one moment allow yourself to dream as you once did as a child. Does the picture in your head resemble your life as it is today?

Nothing is holding you back You already have what you need to bring your vision into reality. You might just need some assistance in molding and shaping it. Your existing foundation may resemble moist, dark, rich soil which needs little attention or it may be hard, dry, cracked clay. Everyone comes to coaching with a unique situation and unique needs. Either way, a trained, objective coach will provide tools to help you identify the steps to create the vision you have for yourself and support you in your journey.

Here are some tips for you to think about as you give thought to how you will craft your vision.

1. Be willing Open yourself up. Consider new ways to approach your goals. Change is rarely comfortable for anyone; be willing to step outside your comfort zone.

2. Know your life's purpose(s) What areas in your life are the most important to you? Do you spend your efforts in those areas? You must know what your life's purpose is in order to clearly articulate your vision. This can be a difficult thing for many to pinpoint. A coach can help you identify what your purpose(s) is. Once you identify your purpose(s) you can set goals that have meaning for you and structure an action plan around them. This is when it gets fun.

3. Recognize your gifts and talents Acknowledging our own gifts and talents is often difficult to do. In this competitive world, all too often, we spend our time focusing on what needs improvement in order to remain marketable, appealing, capable, humble, etc. Unfortunately, the strengths we currently possess receive secondary attention. What if you could succeed in whatever you wanted to accomplish by simply expanding on the gifts you already possess?

4. Identify what support you will need Once you know what you are aspiring towards and what strengths you bring to the table, you can see what support you are going to need. If it is a class you need to take, you can sign up. If it is a certain amount of money you need to save, you can set a budget. The support you need may be something a friend, spouse, co-worker, etc. can provide or it may require a specific skill for which you will need to hire out. Once you've identified what it is, then you can put steps in place to get the assistance you need.

5. Celebrate Celebrate!!! Celebrate each success in your journey. Celebrate your effort. Celebrate the courage you demonstrated in pushing past your comfort zone - even if you did not get the result you desired. Pick yourself up and try again.

6. Be grateful I think this is so important. It is so common for people to get side-tracked by daily responsibilities and lose sight of the wonderful things going on right in front of them. What a shame. While you are on your journey, remember to give pause and appreciate what you currently have, loved ones in your life, your health, etc. There is always something in our life that is beautiful. Even in our moments of distress there is something wonderful going on. We might just have to look a little bit deeper.


Terri Meyer's passion is in working with people to help them put harmony, vitality, passion and energy back into their life. As a life coach she helps people create a vision that utilizes their gifts and talents. Together they craft an action plan that moves those dreams into reality. To learn more about Life Coach Terri you may visit her website at


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