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Friday, June 13, 2008

The Law of Attraction: Enjoy Life

Many people have been aroused by the idea behind 'The Law of Attraction' as it was brought to public awareness by the popular movie, The Secret. The idea that you can 'order' the universe to deliver whatever it is that you want is indeed very seductive, but is it true?

On self-improvement forums, I see people asking questions about whether or not it works: they have been 'programming' they say; but they are not seeing results - so what's wrong? Let's consider the 7 Component Laws that underpin the Law of Attraction ...

- The Law of Manifestation - thoughts become things.

Firstly, as James Allen said in his classic book As a Man Thinketh, 'thoughts become things and powerful things at that'; and so they do! Good thoughts become good things; and poor thought become poor things. So, if you want good things in your life, you should learn how to think good thoughts.

- The Law of Unwavering Desire - there is energy in your burning desire!

Secondly, as Napoleon Hill said in his famous book Think and Grow Rich, your 'burning desire' is the energy that drives the whole creative process. You need to identify what you actually want from your life and fuel that desire until it burns with real passion in your heart.

- The Law of Delicate Harmony - maintain an attitude of gratitude!

As Wallace D Wattles said in his excellent work The Science of Getting Rich, there is only one attitude you need to seek to constantly maintain; and that is an attitude of gratitude. Learn to say 'thank you' to God for all the wonderful blessings being bestowed upon you day after day.

- The Law of Magnetism - you reap what you sow!

Don't say that it isn't working - it is working! As Deepak Chopra says in his book The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, 'you reap what you sow' - you get what you give out. So don't concentrate on the return; concentrate on what you are putting out. Stick with your course of action and you will produce the results.

- The Law of Synchronization - results flow from natural laws!

These component laws all fit neatly together to make the Law of Attraction work, so that Desire coupled with gratitude always produces results - and that's called synchronization. The results will infallibly flow toward you, constantly revealing the next thing you need to do to reach the object of your Desire.

- The Law of Universal Influence - we are all interconnected!

Ensure that - whatever thoughts and activities you engage in - your thoughts and actions are honorable. As Zig Ziglar says in his book on Goal setting, make sure your goals are balanced and morally fair to everyone around you.

- The Law of Conscience Action - you need to take action!

Finally, as Jack Black said in his excellent Mind store course, you need to grab hold of what comes your way. The universal laws we have considered will produce consistent results for you, but you do need to play your part. You need to translate opportunity into the results you want by taking appropriate action.

Will Edwards is a published author and Founder of White Dove Books. For more tips, get our excellent book: The Law of Attraction. This book is completely free (no sign-up required). Get an immediate download here Free Personal Development eBooks


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