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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How Does The Law of Attraction Make Your Life Miserable?

After “The Secret” was produced everyone thought that the Law of Attraction was just wonderful. There are two points, firstly this law is not a recent revelation and secondly what if it was in fact making your current life miserable? How could you be using it to make your life much less than it could be?

Has the media and Rhonda Bryne been lying about the Law of Attraction? No they haven’t, but it depends on how you are using the law that counts.

Consider the following scenario:

Tom wakes up at 6.30 in the morning and rolls out of bed in a bad mood because he is tired and has to go to work. He drags himself into the shower, has some breakfast and heads off to work. He leaves early and misses seeing his children. His car ride, is bumper to bumper traffic before he arrives at work. He performs his job with no real satisfaction and infact does not like being there at all. His day finishes at 5.30 and again he must contend with bumper to bumper traffic before he arrives home. He finally opens his front door, the children are running around and the house is a mess. Unfortunately, his reaction is then one of anger instead of the happiness at being home.

Surely, Tom is not responsible for these feelings? The truth of the matter is that, yes, Tom is solely responsible for how he is feeling and what he is attracting to himself. Have you ever felt like this in any area of your life? If so, what can you do about it? All of this ca change if you start using the Law of Attraction properly.

The Law of Attraction reacts to your vibrations that you emit to the universe. If you are feeling contentment, happiness and joy then the vibrations that go out into the universe will attract the same feelings to you. Where Tom is going wrong is that he is emitting vibrations into the universe that attract negative feelings back to him.

Here are some strategies that will allow you to increase your level of vibration out into the universe so that the Law of Attraction is actually working for you instead of against you.

Listen to half an hour of relaxation music to start of your day so that your mindset is relaxed before your day begins.

As you hop out of bed repeat to yourself ‘Thank you’ and continue for the first five minutes of your morning. It allows you to start the day in a spirit of gratitude for being alive, healthy and with a wonderful standard of living.

Take out a piece of paper and carefully list ten things that are going to happen today that you are grateful for.

On the same piece of paper carefully list ten things that you want to achieve today (no matter how big or small) and rejoyce as you achieve each one.

When you are in the car and the traffic is bumper to bumper make the time count. Listen to motivational music, listen to telesminars, speakers of any kind that can offer you information that will improve your life.

When at your job make the effort to perform to the best of your ability. It is this realisation that you are doing a good job that will allow you to increase your level of vibration and attract more of the things that you want into your life.

If doing your job makes you feel really unhappy then close your eyes and imagine yourself in a situation that fills you with happiness. Maintain these feelings while you are working and your level of vibration will rise.

Before you walk in the door of your house of a night consider what would be a real tradegy in anyone’s life and then think of the things that you have been irratated at previously. Do a comparison and I know for me this really adds a sense of perspective.

Waiting inside the door of your house is a family that thinks you are the most important thing in their lives. Focus on these feelings because they will lift your level of vibration even higher.

This is just one scenario, but these strategies will work for any situation that you find yourself in.

Law of Attraction Action Step
The life that you lead will often come down to the perspective that you place on the events of your life. Always look for a positive perspective regardless of the situation so that you are always maintaining a high level of vibration.

John Edwards is a published author in the field of personal development. He will show you how to use simple, easy and effective

action steps to make massive positive changes to your everyday life using the Law of Attraction. Create financial freedom, have a

wonderful family life and great health by visiting Simple Law of Attraction Action Steps


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