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Monday, April 14, 2008

Your Body as a Beloved Treasure: Learn to Love Yourself Completely

Human beings often forget the sacred value of the physical body. Many people treat their body like a beast of burden, something to be used rather than respected, nurtured and protected. In order to navigate transitions in life you must shift your thinking. Your capacity to live each moment to its fullest is ushered in through your body and how deeply you feel, see, hear, taste and smell through every experience. The greater your health, fitness, and mental dexterity, the greater your capacity to experience your life. Even when a person is limited by physical restrictions, ailments, or emotional burdens, we each have the choice to make the body we have at this moment the best it can be. You must believe your body is a beloved treasure; your body is not ALL you are, but it is an integral part of who you are.

Health: The Journey of Self Discovery and Learning Health isn't just about working out and being thin. Health is a life long process of getting to know yourself, paying close attention to the messages your body sends you and constantly learning what health practices are best for you. As each year passes the human body changes and a lifestyle choice that worked five or ten years ago may not be the best option now. A potential pitfall is the complexity of much of the health information available. The best course is to identify healthy practices that are easily integrated into your existing schedule and to make changes that are simple.

Celebrate a New Life with the Simple is Do-able Model The truth is that for most of us a complicated or dramatic lifestyle change is less likely to result in new behaviors. The Simple is Do-able model of health exploration and self-discovery facilitates small changes in the beginning. Once you have accomplished small shifts towards healthier living you will see you can make any change you want big or small.

Simple is Do-able Goal Setting Exercises The most important part of the Simple is Do-able model is to set realistic goals. The path to a healthier body and mind is a lifelong endeavor and if you want it to be fun and exciting setting goals you can achieve is important. Exercise 1: Stretching is fun! Think about a cat first thing in the morning. Stretching first thing in the morning is a way to say, Hello body, and is a powerful way to build your body's resilience. The more flexible you are, the less likely you are to sustain injury and the more energy you feel. Exercise 2: Breath is life.. Most people don't pay enough attention to breathing, especially when dealing with stress and exhaustion. Take notice of your breathing. Are you taking short, shallow, tight breaths or does your breath flow freely and deeply. Our bodies need oxygen and lots of it. Traditional and alternative medicines alike associate deep breath with reduced stress and greater energy, vitality, and health. Exercise 3: True Nourishment is DeliciousRegarding food, there are so many theories and so many dietary plans that many people are overwhelmed. According to the Simple is Do-able model there are some basic rules of thumb: ∑ Choose whole foods rather than highly processed foods. ∑ Eat meat in moderation. ∑ Consume organic whenever it is available. ∑ Drink clean water. ∑ Take time to enjoy every bite. Eat slowly and with an attitude of gratitude for every flavor. Exercise 4: Get your Heart Going Choose a form of exercise you enjoy. I repeat, choose a form of exercise you enjoy. If you cannot answer the question: What form of exercise do I enjoy doing, then explore all kinds of options. Try something new! Go with a friend to a martial arts class, hire a personal coach or trainer, ask a friend to be your walking buddy or learn something you've always wanted to but thought you couldn't. Keep exploring until you find one or more options that you can do two or three times a week.

In every way - physically, mentally, emotionally - living like your body is a beloved treasure and gift will help you feel stronger, fuller and better! Taking great care of your body is an action, not a thought so get ready to DO something. One small action after another, throughout your day and life, adds up to optimal health. With each action that supports vibrant health you are learning how to love yourself more and say I am worth it!

Corrie Woods is a Women's Life Coach and author of The Woman's Field Guide to Exceptional Living. Through coaching, personal growth retreats, teleclasses and writing she supports and inspires women. Explore free resources at


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