Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"If you believe you can or can't - you are correct"

Henry Ford -the father of the production line said

"If you believe you can do it or if you believe you can not do it - either way you are correct"

This is true because your conscious mind can only process 7 of the millions of bits of data that the unconscious mind receives through our senses every second so filters out all that is unimportant or does not confirm your beliefs.

Your beliefs controlled your past thoughts that controlled your actions to produce your current results.

Although your beliefs are influenced by the conditioning from Family, Friends, media and your past experiences they are changeable by the conscious mind so your past results need not continue into the future unless you choose to allow them by not changing.

So if you are not getting the results in life that you want you must change something. As Albert Einstein said "To do the same thing over & over but expect different results is a definition of insanity"

A thought, like everything is made up from atoms which are 99.99% space surrounding a central nucleus of matter encased by an electron energy field at various distances from the center depending on the amount of energy it contains.

What you think about you give energy to so it is attracted to you faster. The more you think of something the more energy you give it and the words you use are the thoughts you give your power to.

When you are in an emotionally charged state of mind you turbo charge your thoughts & words and are more suggestible to manipulation from others. This is why the news & soap operas are bad for your mental, physical & financial health. The dis-empowering negatively charged news & soaps that only show the worst of people so are depressing thus encouraging people to buy junk food or expensive gadgets in the vane hope that having the product will magically turn your life into the successful life shown in the ads despite the fact that Happiness or Success are feelings that come from within you.

Successful people do not do depression -for long because as soon as they realize they are getting down they take steps to get back to the empowering state by:

* Look up * Sit up straight * Stand up * Remember happy times * Walk around quickly (10% faster than normal) * Sing a happy song. * Talk to their mentor or support group * Re-Focus on their growth & contribution to others as fulfilling these needs will automatically fulfill all the needs of the 4 lower personality types where most people get stuck. *Remember that positive thoughts are 100's times more powerful than negative. * Ask themselves "What can I learn from this"

To find out how to win in the Metal Game of Life or how to Help Feed the Poor Children of the World while learning to control your life visit or email

To find out how to win in the Metal Game of Life or how to Help Feed the Poor Children of the World while learning to control your life visit" For a Better Future or email


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