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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Success

Do you feel like you are on a ride and someone else in controlling the direction your life is going in? In reality, you are responsible for everything around you.

An illustration: You woke up this morning and decided on several things. You decided: what you were going to wear, whether to have breakfast or not have breakfast and if you chose to eat you decided what to eat. Then, whether you still like your job or not you once chose to go to work and made a decision about how you were going to get there.

At work, you decided whether to put a great deal of effort forward or you decided to just go through the motions and get the job done. You decided whether you were going to have a good day or bad day. Sure, some things may have happened that were out of your direct control but you were the pilot today, even if you did make the choice to go on autopilot. After work you choose your route home and made decisions about what to do after your work day was over. You chose whom to spend it with, you chose what to eat and whether or not to exercise.

It’s evident by all the choices you make that you do hold the key to what kind of life you have and will have. You have the option to have a good day or a bad day. You have the option to continue with life as it is or the option for self-improvement. You can choose whether to be happy and fulfilled or on autopilot and indifferent about life.

Life choices are yours to make. You can choose to change your future and you might want to start changing it right now because in fifteen seconds, it is going to be the future! You can choose to get happy or continue on as you are. What should you do first?

1) Write down what you want. Start a journal and chronicle your successes, your dreams, your let downs and your happy moments.

2) If you are married or in a relationship, tell your significant other about your dreams.

3) Decide to change your attitude and put passion into everything you do. If there’s something in your life you aren’t passionate about, make it a plan to remove that factor from your life.

4) Continuously work to improve your life and make yourself happy. At the end of each day spend time with yourself to contemplate how you feel, what you want and decide what you can do to get the success you want in life.

Self coaching yourself towards success can make a big difference in your life. You can also enlist the help of a professional life coach who can help you discover what you want, what has been stopping you from getting what you want and who can cheer you on throughout a success marathon that you have the power to finish!

Want to learn more about self-improvement? Bruno LoGreco is a Toronto life coach and mentor. Visit and find out how to unleash your potential for success and happiness.


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