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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Learn How To Activate Your Personal Development To Achieve Your Dreams

Have you lost touch with your dreams? Perhaps as you have gotten older life has slowly made you "realize" that you need to be practical and give up on your dreams. Perhaps all you concentrate on now is your committments and responsibilities. Perhaps you have lost that fire within you that once drove you to imagine wonderful possibilities. Has life left you without dreams?

As we grow older and bigger our dreams and life expectations tend to get smaller. However, if you would still like to achieve your dreams and are willing to take some action to get them then read on!

The key and starting point for achieving anything in life lies in your mind. Before you can have, be or do anything you must first be able to envisage yourself being able to be, do or have the thing you desire. When you get your mind right the rest will fall into place almost effortlessly!

As a child no one could tell you that things were impossible. You believed in wizards, enchanted forests, mythical beats and magical lands. You also believed that anything was possible and that it was possible for you to have anything you wanted. This mental ability to believe in the impossible was slowly trained out of you as you grew older. However, if you want to achieve the things in life that you have always dreamed of achieving then you must regain this child-like faith in achieving the seemingly impossible.

By believing that you can achieve something you have done 90% of the work already! Without going into the quantum physics behind the power of thought just be aware that your thoughts are more powerful than you can comprehend. Science is proving that thoughts have very real creative power in a very tangible and physical way. They have the ability to rebuild your world.

However, on a more practical note, your thoughts are also the things that motivate you to take action. If you believe that you can succeed at something and feel optimistic about a successful outcome then you are much more likely to try it!

The first step is to practise imagining that you already have the things that you want. Close your eyes and visualize yourself in possession of your dreams already. Your ability to imagine and visualize things that do not yet exist is just like any other ability that you possess. Although it is natural and an inherent ability that you have been born with it gets weakened through lack of use. However, it will improve with exercise.

By visualizing, on a daily basis, your dreams as already having been accomplished you will begin to find that your imagined scenes become more vivid and life-like. You will also find yourself able to create mental images of yourself having things that before you didn't even consider. This happens as you start to enjoy the mental "acquisition" of your desires. A symptom of this is that you will begin to aquire faith that your visualized image is actually possible for you to achieve.

So, what are the nuts-and-bolts of exercising your imagination so that it creates unshakable faith in you? Well it is as easy as setting aside 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night!

Start small. Begin with a goal that is not too big that you will get discouraged but that is not too small to be easily achieved. Choose something that you really want. Then for 15 minutes each morning and 15 minutes each night visualize yourself already having it. Conjure up as much strong positive emotion around your mental image as you - this is important!

Now evoking positive emotions around your mental image should not be hard if your mental scene incorporates something that you really want. When we imagine having things we want we naturally start to feel good.

Soon you will find yourself feeling that you either already have the thing you have been visualizing or you will feel that you are definitely going to have it. When this happens you will begin to take actions, sometimes unconsciously sometimes deliberately however most times it is both. The actions that you begin to take will start to bring you closer to the achievement of your goal. As you take more of these inspired action steps you will find that eventually your imagined scene becomes real!

Once you succeed at small things begin to think bigger until you can imagine yourself living the life that you want on your terms.

When you start to think bigger then you begin to get bigger results!

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