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Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, April 19, 2008

5 Things We Can Learn From Asia'h Epperson

What can we possibly learn from Asia'h Epperson? In my opinion we can learn alot, but before I explain my point let me tell you who Asia'h Epperson is .

Asia'h is a young lady from Joplin. MO, who is 19 years of age and was a contestant on American Idol. She initially auditioned in Atlanta, and made the trip to Hollywood. Wat made Asia'h Epperson unique, at least in my opinion, was the adversity she encountered during her auditions. You see several days before she auditioned her father passed away, but she still went on stage and gave a tremendous, and moving performance.

So what can we learn from Asia'h Epperson?

1) Adversity: meaning that no matter what obstacles are thrown in your path you continue to move towards your goals, and dreams.

2) Focused Goals: Asia'h knew what she wanted, and apparently knew this early on. She had goals that were very clear and focused. You need that laser vision in order to stay true to your target.

3) Be Yourself: Ms. Epperson before the audition changed he song selection to better reflect what she was feeling after the death of her father. She could have easily chosen a song to woo the audience, but instead chose a song that allowed he true feelings and emotions to be seen. That made Asia'h Epperson special and allowed many of us to relate to her.

4) Believe in Yourself: Asia'h Epperson did not make it to the finals, and she exited with grace and style. Even though she didn't make it, she was voted off 3/6/08 she still has the confidence, and belief in herself to know that she will succeed in reaching her goals and dreams.

5) Avoid the victim mentality: It could have been real easy for Asia'h to give up and blame it on the circumstances that killed her dad, but she didn't. She did not feel or act like a victim of circumstance. Asia'h Epperson did not et any of that effect her mental state or cause her to develop the victim mentality.

In closing her is a bit more about Asia'h Epperson: Favorite Quote: "Speak it into existence! You receive blessings through struggle. Appreciate it!" Musical Influences: Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera, Toni Braxton.

I think we all need to take what we have learned from Asia'h Epperson and use it in our own lives.

Ray Roman writes for several of his blogs. More articles on Asia'h Epperson can be found at the Asia'h Apperson tribute blog.


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