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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Will You Take That First Step Towards Achieving Your Dreams?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step! Are you willing to take the first step towards achieving your dreams? Or are you so worried about what people will think that you have not made any changes in your life for the last five years? What did you do differently for the last five years?

Albert Einstein said: "The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting a different result!" Am I telling you that it is crazy to expect improvement in your life if you continue to do the same things? The answer is YES! I am speaking to you like a brother and coming on strong! For things to change, first you must change!

Get real and get the facts right! You cannot get something for nothing. Nothing will happen if you do nothing! Something cannot come out of nothing, it is all about cause and effect. If you want to be happy, healthy and wealthy you must create the causes for them!

Here you have the opportunity to learn from Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach! My reputation is at stake and it is in my vested interest to help you as much as possible to make you successful in your home-based business. With 14 years of experience and a successful track record and having written 10 books on network marketing, I know exactly what you must do to earn a few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars a month!

Success is a process, so here's my step by step guidance for you to get off your butt and do something positive for your life! Do something! First thing to do is to do a summary of where you are now! Are you happy where you are today? and if not, are you willing to take action and follow my step by step instruction? If your answer is "NO" stop wasting your time reading this article now. If your answer is "YES", follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down what you really want in life and put a realistic date on when you want to achieve it? For example if there is a certain amount of money you want to earn that will give you a better lifestyle, write that figure now!

Step 2: You eat about three times a day, and it is important to you, isn't it? Read what you have written three times a day because it is important to you! Add pictures to it and make what you've written as clear as possible through the power of imagination. Through imagination you can feel, smell, see, taste and hear! Imagine at least three times a day the lifestyle that you want to achieve!

Step 3. Find a coach who has been there and done that to guide you, you have one right now available to you at a click of a mouse, you can reach me at the resource box below this article! You have attracted this article to you! You have heard about the Law of Attraction, every day, every minute and every second you are attracting things, people and events into your life whether you are aware or not! Your mind is like a magnet be careful of the things you focus on! What you focus on you attract!

Step 4. Be teachable and be willing to learn. The more you learn the more you will earn! It is critical to apply what you learn and work with your mind! You are where you are today it is because of your thinking, your past actions and decisions! To live a better life you must have better thinking, better actions and better decisions.

Step 5. Focus on what you want in your life and take baby steps towards achieving them. Your coach will give you step by step instruction, follow the steps!

Step 6. Leverage on a proven and tested system and work with a multi-million dollar company that is doing the right things. Keep it simple and leverage on the Internet to build a global business.

Step 7. Get in touch with the author and email your questions. Just do it!

Bruce Seah is Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach. Bruce loves to help people to make money to achieve their dreams! Drink your way to success with this heavenly, health-benefit-laden, delicious juice! Go to: For free ebooks on how to make money, go to:


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