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Gallery Tattoo

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Compound Interest.....the Most Powerful Force in the Universe!

The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest, according to Albert Einstein. Everyone understands that compound interest applies to money. You can invest in something and accumulate interest that compounds and makes you money. Or you can borrow money and pay interest that when compounded costs you money. In both cases one day of interest is minor, yet when compounded it becomes huge. This is the financial principle of compound interest.

Principles Apply To Everything.

Just like the law of gravity, the principle of compound interest applies to everything it is applied to. There are no exceptions. Compound interest applies to life, business, and also to your health. Maybe we eat a big bowl of ice cream today. Chances are that it will not kill you. If the results of poor eating choices were immediate, then fewer people would be unhealthy. The the fear of death would stop them from continuing to make poor choices. If you eat a quart of ice cream every day that compound interest takes effect and becomes a powerful force which brings ill health to you. The choice of eating an pear today will not result in immediate health benefits, yet when eaten daily the power of compound interest will kick in and pay off for you with a healthy body.

Compound Interest Is Working For You or Against You

If compound interest is not working for you, then it is working against you. Albert Einstein said compound Interest is the most powerful force in the universe! Deb Bixler says: Life Is a Razor Blade. Think about your business or career, your health and your entire life as a razor blade. This is an old fashioned razor blade standing on edge, straight up and sharp. Life is a razor blade and you are sitting on the cutting edge. We make millions of choices each day and every choice is a slice made with the razor blade of life. Every choice you make is, in itself, only a razor-thin slice of life and has little or no major impact on the future. Every slice/choice of life you make is either positive or negative and alone it is weak. Every slice of life is compounded with the others to create the most powerful force in the universe. Think about every choice you make in your life and do your best to make razor-thin slices on the positive side of life. They will compound to become the most powerful force in the universe and thus drive your future in a successful direction. When you slice too many slices on the negative side of life, compound interest will work against you. When you slice more on the positive side of life, you will leverage your results by using compound interest on your behalf.

Every Choice Makes A Difference

You can change your future. In your career, business or in regard to your health, every choice is minor in immediate results, yet in the long term the most powerful force in the universe will be working for you or against you. Successful people understand that life is about taking razor-thin choices each day to direct the future and put the principle of compound interest to work for them. Life is a razor blade. You can change your life using compound interest as leverage by choosing to take positive slices of life each day.

Check out Deb Bixler at

Deb Bixler is a motivational speaker who believes in living life to it's fullest. Her focus is to teach families skills that will enable them to make better living choices one day at a time.


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