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Friday, February 8, 2008

Inspiration Is In Front of You

Many people complain of being in a rut when it comes to their lives. They just see things going nowhere and quickly can lose their zest for life. This does not have to be.

Inspiration Is In Front of You

Bills, appointments, work - it can all become too much. On one hand, it is mundane. On the other, it can suck the life out of you. What is important is to remember you are not defined by these things. Yes, they have to be dealt with, but they are not who you are. When it comes to life, it is easy to lose focus on the thing that will bring you the most happiness, to wit, what inspires you. If you can focus and pursue that thing, inspiration will become a natural, daily event.

Let's take a look at the average Joe. He gets a job and works the 40 plus hour work week. He buys a home and commits to paying for it over the next 30 years. He dates occasionally, and perhaps gets married. He and his wife both work, slowly settling into a pattern of life that is the same day after day, week after week, year after year. Both he and his wife are moving through life, but they are not really living it. Why? They are not focused on their true desires. Eventually, they will retire, grow old and die. On each of their death beds, will there be regrets? Yes. They will be happy to have been together, but what did they do with their lives? Not much.

The answer to this conundrum is simple. Ask yourself if you ever really wanted to be or try something. It pains me to hear my grandmother say she really wished she had tried to be a zoologist instead of a teacher. While she loves her family dearly, and we love her, would her life have been more fulfilling? Probably so.

The old adage is find out what you like and then find a job in it. This is absolutely the best advice, but few follow it. Instead, they fear change. They think they might fail. What about money? What about those bills and so on? Such concerns are hard to overcome, but you must realize they are moment in time issues. They seem monumental at the moment, but will not be a few years from now. Don't believe me, think back to 2004. What were your biggest concerns? What made you feel like the sky was falling? Pretty laughable now, eh?

If you wish to find inspiration in your life, you need to play your part. You already know what inspires you. It is that thing you have always wanted to do. If you want to have a fulfilling life, it is time to start chasing that dream. If time is a problem, work on achieving it at night. The point is to start heading in that direction. The first step will lead to an inspiring life!

Bruno Baceli is with - providing inspirational quotes updated daily.


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