Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Friday, August 26, 2005

The J.E.I. Seal Of Approval XII

It's time again for The Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration to make that Sophiest of Choices, the selective awarding of our useless J.E.I. Seal of Approval.

So have a look-see, and don't forget to tell 'em we sent you. It won't get you special treatment, but we do like having our name thrown around with the bouncers.

  • DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Catalog
    We're still trying to figure this one out, but we're pretty sure it's way cool. Best we can tell, this is a 1930s company who's purpose was to supply various fraternal lodges everything they needed to perform their secret rituals of hazing and humiliation. Even if you don't appreciate the weirdness, the typography and design are outstanding. Props to Boing Boing for the discovery.
  • TV John Langworthy
    TV John used to have a cable access show in Washington DC, which he really should consider reviving, or at least selling on DVD. We could never do justice to his genius, so we'll let his site copy do the talking: "He is a multimedia personality who has recorded more than 2,000 songs, songs that came to him in dreams. He is, of course, TV John. Who can forget his legendary concerts at Joe's Record Paradise, performing on trampoline, in his stylish Robin Hood suit?" That about says it all.
  • Superdickery
    If you've been reading our series, The Secret Files of Jimmy Olsen, you already knew (even if Jimmy doesn't)-- Superman is a dick. Thankfully, Superdickery has the proof-- dozens and dozens of comic book covers depicting the Man of Steel's selfish and cruel ways.
  • Guitar Shred Show
    You can't go wrong with interactive Flash animation based on a quasi-Asian (quasian?) philosophy of speedmetal guitar shredding. Can Mr. Fastfinger win his duel with the Devil's accordion? You've got to try it to find out.

Well done, all. Insania Fragilis, Fectum Dubitabilis!

Also in this series...


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