Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Thursday, April 14, 2005

And We're Live! In 5... 4... 3...

The lead type is set, the rollers are inked, and the Gutenberg 5000 Cyberpress® is lubed and humming at the ready. As our tireless staff readies our premiere edition, excitement permeates every nook and cranny of the J.E.I. compound like the Angel of Death through Pharoh's Egypt.

The Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration promises a neverending (i.e., numbingly sporadic) spew of pointless minutae, brilliant yet useless ideas, troublingly cruel commentary and emphatic musings on whatever shiny object happens to catch our collective eye. Why? Because we stand by the axiom that even the most fleeting of diversions deserves to be entombed forever on the internet; and once an idea is transmogrified into binary ones and zeros, it can never truly be removed or forgotten, can it? Kind of like pee in a swimming pool... or Spock that time he died. Boy was that sad.

Who cares? We do. Boy do we ever.


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